Join Ziya Azazi's DIP Master Classes to elevate your DIP performing techniques and skills!
In the "Performing DIP" master class, you'll learn how to captivate your audience with mesmerizing performances. The class will cover various aspects, including lighting, music, stage setup, decor, costume, dance, timing, and more. This transformative experience aims to enhance your creativity, emotional awareness, and performance skills.
Participants will gain essential stage knowledge and develop basic performance skills for DIP artists. The program will dive deep into parameters such as light, music, stage setup, decor, costume, acting, dance, timing, and placement. Students will have the opportunity to explore multidisciplinary practices and theoretical knowledge.
This holistic Master Class allows DIPTEP students to advance their skills and brings followers closer to the world of DIP. By participating, you will have the chance to unleash your creativity, foster connections, and embrace the DIP vision. The 5-day program includes practical sessions, evening discussions, and free time for immersive learning. Reserve your spot now and become a dedicated DIP enthusiast, ready to embark on a journey of transformation!
- Check-in must be completed before 3:00 pm on the first day.
- Check-out should be done at noon on the last day.
- Each morning, a morning walk & DIP-Up session will be held to start the day.
- Three meals of unique vegetarian and vegan cuisine will be provided.
- Tea and coffee will be served throughout the day.
- Daily theoretical and practical applications will be based on one-on-one guidance.
- DIP-Sessions will be held to apply what is learned.
- Feedback sessions will be held during dinner.
- 3 hours of active learning & 3 hours of practicing per day.
- The studio will be open 24 hours a day for hardworking participants.
- There is a natural swimming pool, garden, and hiking trails available to relax and rejuvenate.
490 € shared bathroom
590 € double room
690 € single room
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