The One, Human(e), to See, to Shine

The stratification of becoming is known only by those who dive into it. Brave minds of each era and geography, though they spoke differently, they said the same thing:(The One); the sum of everything! 


Healing and Rejoicing Ourselves

As 3D organisms, we move every day in time, which is the 4th dimension, and we are constantly being built and destroyed! The mind preserves its transformative structure by making conscious and unconscious wanderings; that is, it learns and f


Close Your Eyes and Whirl

Close your eyes, Close more o,en, As what you can’t see is inside. Whirl, whirl more. As it is you blocking your freedom.  


Transform With Whirling

We are giving our welcoming greetings with the article series about the most brood-over questions of Ziya Azazi’s 20 years whirling transformation journey and his Dervish in Progress terminology. Today, the main issue we’re going to cover is whirl


Interview: The Dancing Sage

Ziya Azazi describes himself not as a dervish, but as an artist. His name means "light." He carries this light through dance, which resembles more of a mystical ritual. According to the poet and philosopher Rumi, spinning around one's axis while dancin